
How “DSM” will manage all this?

Digital assets | Physical resources will be managing :-

Abundant use of technology

Digital applications – microsites, webapps, mobile applications

Virtual classrooms | Physical classrooms

Developing a dedicated pool of Industry veterans

Industry curated content

Internships with Industry

Features and Benefits

Features of “DSM”

  • Deep rooted insights from the Market
  • Strength of creative understanding
  • Strength of integrated marketing
  • Strength of integrated marketing
  • Strength of Digital marketing
  • Strength of industry relationships

Benefits of “DSM”

  • Insightful conversations as content l
  • Industry veterans at the helm
  • Unique approach that remains Industry afresh

Key Differentiators

  • Highly skilled team
  • Strength of Digital
  • Experience of Technology
  • Lowest cost modules
  • Industry expertise

Our Vision

To ensure an education system that gives a professional outlook to the course curriculum and delivers an “industry best” market ready pool of highly skilled talent for corporates in a tighter time frame of 9-months.

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